Our Association

The Association

The Mountaineering Association of Agrafa was founded in 18 December 2017, and Topoliana of the Municipality of Agrafa, Evritania has been designated as the local community. The Association is activated in the entire Municipality of Agrafa.

The founding of the Association is aiming at contributing to the promotion of its sights, namely the mountains, gorges, forests and stone bridges of the area. Our aim is to attract visitors from all over the world, thus achieving the development of tourism in the Municipality of Agrafa. 

Through the various activities it offers, our Association also wishes to attract children, as well as young and older people, in order to bring them in contact with nature.

The Association

Association responsibility

The Association is also responsible for keeping clean the environment in which it performs its activity, since it constitutes one of the unspoiled places in Greece, and Europe as well. Further to the maintenance of a clean environment, our aim is to trace and define old and new trails and rock climbing routes.

Activities, such as hiking, rock climbing and mountain climbing are carried out by our Association on a regular basis and are addressed to all ages, both young and old.

  • Registrations are available all year round at a cost of 20€. Memberships can be renewed every September.
  • Email: info@edoagrafa.gr
  • Main Office: Topoliana, Evritania
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